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Naam:British War Cemetery
Adres:Geldropseweg 68 Mierlo


A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - Y

C.S.R. Lowdon 18-11-1944   captain Royal Army Medical Corps VID10 
W. Leckie 02-11-1944   private The King's Own Scottish Borderers VIG01 
S. Lightfoot 12-10-1944   corporal The Herefordshire Regiment IC05 
C. Lucas 12-10-1944   private The Suffolk Regiment ID09 
V.J. Longthorne 15-10-1944   l.cpl. The Royal Norfolk Regiment ID12 
R.H. Lloyd 16-10-1944   trooper 23rd Hussars Royal Armoured Corps IE05 
T. Lund 22-09-1944   private The Glasgow Highlanders IIIB11 
J. Lambe 11-01-1945   sapper Royal Engineers IIIE13 
J.C. Lewis 01-12-1944   rifleman The Royal Ulster Rifles IIIF13 
T.P. Lord 17-10-1944   corporal The Herefordshire Regiment IIA02 
E.R. Light 31-10-1944   fusilier The Royal Scots Fusiliers IIA10 
R.J. Leak 28-10-1944   gunner Royal Artillery IIB10 
A. Lightfoot 03-11-1944   private Pioneer Corps IIC13 
C.G.E. Langley 21-11-1944   driver Royal Army Service Corps IIE05 
N. Lancaster 22-09-1944   private The King's Own Scottish Borderers IVA02 
G.W. Lloyd 22-09-1944   private The Glasgow Highlanders H.L.I. IVC06 
W. Lovatt 26-09-1944   lieutenant The East Lancashire Regiment IVD03 
J. Little 24-09-1944   rifleman The Cameronians IVD08 
H. Lemaitre 22-09-1944   private The King's Shropshire Light Infantry VA01 
H. Lucas 21-09-1944   corporal The Herefordshire Regiment VB01 
G.J. Lee 02-11-1944   private The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders VB08 
H. Lister 03-12-1944   trooper 22nd Dragoons Royal Armoured Corps VD01 
F. Littler 21-09-1944   private The Herefordshire Regiment VG13 
F. Loft 13-11-1944   trooper The Inns of Court Reg. R.A.C. VIIF01 
B.F. Lake 06-01-1945   private The South Lancashire Regiment VIIIB01 
A. Lightfoot 06-01-1945   private The South Lancashire Regiment VIIIB02 
R. Leyland 16-10-1944   private The Suffolk Regiment VIIIB04 
I.B. Lang 19-11-1944   captain 91st Anti-Tank Regt. R.A. VIIID04 
M.W. . Lila V. Baker 21-02-1945   wing commander pilot Royal Air Force VIIID13 
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