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Naam:(British) War Cemetery
Adres:Kromstraat Sittard


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K.J. Edwards 19-11-1944   2739033 Guardsman Welsh Guards L08 
P.B. Evans 21-11-1944   Captain 141st. Regt.R.A.C. A00 
J. Elliot 24-01-1945   Captain The King's Own Scott.Borderers C12 
W.G. Elms 20-01-1945   14291838 Trooper 4/7th Royal Dragoons Guards RAC G16 
B.C. Edwards 21-01-1945   7669536 L.BDR. Royal Artillery G22 
G.A. Ellison 18-01-1945   14747563 Private The Highland Light Inf. J14 
C.H. Eley 18-01-1945   6923042 L.CPL The Highland Light Inf. J17 
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