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Naam:War Cemetery Jonkerbos
Adres:Burgemeester Daleslaan 6532 CL Nijmegen


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James Connacher Jackes20-11-1916 20-12-1942 26  Pilot Officer*Air Gunner/ Royal Canadian Air Force 12. D. 1-2. 
Eric Raymond Jackson1923 13-05-1945 21  Private / Royal Army Ordnance Corps 07e-08 
George William Turner Jackson1912 15-10-1941 29  Sergeant*W.Op.-Air Gnr / RAF Volunteer Reserve 24g-03 
Robert Arthur Jackson1915 02-02-1943 27  Flight Lieutenant*Pilot / RAF Volunteer Reserve 18d-02 
William Jackson04-12-1919 07-06-1942 22  Sergeant*W.Op.-Air Gnr / RAF Volunteer Reserve 07j-05 
Donald Jagger1924 22-06-1944 19  Sergeant*Wireless Oper.(Air)/RAF Volunteer Reserve 12j-09 
Douglas James Jamieson1925 08-07-1941 16  Pilot Officer*Pilot / Royal New Zealand Air Force 20b-07 
Paul Winstanley Jeanneret1919 14-02-1943 23  Flying Officer*Navigator/ Royal Canadian Air Force 18g-05 
Michael Charles Jefferies1921 26-05-1943 21  Sergeant*W.Op.-Air Gnr / RAF Volunteer Reserve 11h-02 
Matthew Jefferson1912 25-02-1945 32  Private / King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry 02f-01 
Eric Jeffs10-12-1920 22-06-1943 22  Sergeant*Air Gunner/ RAF Volunteer Reserve 07h-06 
John Claude Jenkins1907 10-10-1944 37  Gunner / Royal Artillery 11a-01 
Richard John Jenkins20-03-1921 12-03-1943 21  Sergeant / Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve 24c-05 
William Jenkins14-07-1914 05-10-1944 30  Second Lieutenant / Hampshire Regiment 08d-07 
David Walter Jennings21-03-1919 15-10-1941 22  Sergeant*Observer / RAF Volunteer Reserve 24g-05 
Albert Jepson1916 03-07-1941 25  Sergeant*Pilot / Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve 20g-04 
Wilfred George Jesson10-05-1914 08-07-1941 27  Sergeant*Pilot / Royal New Zealand Air Force 20b-05 
Eric Edwin Johns12-1919 18-09-1944   Private / The Parachute Regiment 08a-09 Sp. Mem. 
Albert Johnson 25-05-1944   Sergeant*Air Gunner/ RAF Volunteer Reserve 08g-09 
Frederick William Johnson1904 03-12-1944 40  Private / Army Catering Corps 23f-04 
Julius Bjorn Johnson04-01-1916 25-06-1943 27  Sergeant*Flight Engineer / Royal Can. Air Force 08g-07 
Tom Johnson15-03-1912 19-12-1944 32  Serjeant / Gloucestershire Regiment 19g-06 
James Francis Johnston05-03-1916 21-09-1944 28  Driver / Royal Army Service Corps 20j-08 
James Sidney Johnston02-06-1917 29-10-1944 27  Driver / Royal Engineers 05e-04 
Ian Alexander Bruce Johnstone1915 12-03-1942 26  Pilot Officer*Pilot /Royal A. Force Volunteer Res. 08j-04 
Wilfred Jolly1922 08-02-1945 22  Serjeant / Gordon Highlanders 07f-04 
Brynmor Samuel Jones1916 15-10-1941 25  Sergeant*Air Gunner/ RAF Volunteer Reserve 24g-06 
Claude William Jones08-06-1915 23-08-1943 28  Flight Sergeant*Navigator / RAF Volunteer Reserve 16b-03 
Douglas Alfred Jones1923 16-04-1945 21  Gunner / Royal Artillery 24i-04 
Edward Jones1924 06-10-1944 20  Gunner / Royal Artillery 07b-05 
George Evan Jones13-04-1916 22-09-1944 28  Driver / Royal Army Service Corps 19h-05 
John Granville Jones1919 02-04-1945 25  Private / Lincolnshire Regiment 06a-06 
John Thomas Jones1920 04-12-1944 24  Lance Corporal / Duke of Wellington's 15d-03 
Leonard Jones11-05-1910 11-10-1944 34  Gunner / Royal Artillery 10a-03 
Morgan Douglas Jones10-11-1917 01-04-1945 27  Guardsman / Welsh Guards 22e-01 
Ronald Jones1926 08-02-1945 18  Fusilier / Royal Welch Fusiliers 17f-01 
Rowland Woolley Jones 17-06-1944   Flying Officer*Air Bomber / RAF Volunteer Reserve 12f-02a 
Robert Jopling1909 17-08-1941 32  Flight Sergeant*Observer / Royal Air Force 20f-02 
Donald Valentine Jordan1920 22-06-1943 22  Sergeant*Pilot / Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve 03g-03 
John Henry Jordan04-07-1912 16-02-1945 32  Corporal / Royal Armoured Corps 06e-05 
George Edward Joseph17-12-1908 28-10-1944 35  Serjeant / Royal Artillery 11d-06 
Douglas Albert Josey30-06-1920 12-10-1944 24  Sergeant / Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve 23j-05 
Earl Harcourt Joslin20-04-1911 28-04-1945 34  Private / Stormont, Dundas & Glengarry Highlanders 23i-06 
Burton Norris Jost02-08-1911 25-06-1943 31  Squadron Leader*Pilot / Royal Canadian Air Force 08g-06 
Walter Victor Joyce1916 13-02-1945 28  Private / East Lancashire Regiment 17f-07 
Jack Leslie Jury27-02-1922 12-08-1942 20  Sergeant*Air Gunner / Royal New Zealand Air Force 24f-09 
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