naam | geboren | overleden | leeftijd | e.v. | opmerking | aanduiding |
Gonnie van Saan | 26-01-1926 | 16-12-2013 | 87 | Murkens | | V30R08N09 |
N. Sonik Sakharia | ¹) | | | | | V10R11N05 |
Adriaan Johannes Samuels | 01-11-1927 | 01-04-2013 | 85 | Brouwer | | V13R15N23 |
Celestina L. Sanders | 09-03-1865 | 29-06-1944 | 79 | Raaijmakers | was eerder wed. van Charles L. Stoks | V05R01N03 |
Jan Sanders | 21-08-1930 | 18-08-2000 | 69 | | | V08R05N17 |
Jet Sanders | 20-01-1938 | 29-07-1993 | 55 | Rooij | | V29R08N01 |
Jacoba C. van Sandvliet | 01-05-1893 | 16-05-1973 | 80 | Hagenaars | | V10R07N10 |
Lambertus J.M. Sarolea | 13-03-1896 | 22-05-1979 | 83 | Michiels | | V13R01N33 |
Rosalie Theodore Marie Olivere Alexandrine van Sasse van Ysselt | 02-01-1928 | 10-11-2019 | 91 | Laane | | V05R02N10 |
Corrie van Schaardenburg | 04-10-1961 | 04-09-2018 | 56 | Vos | | V13R12N33 |
Elisabeth Schampers | 20-06-1849 | 19-10-1902 | 53 | | | V04R05N09 |
Johanna Arnold Scheelings | 04-01-1917 | 24-01-1995 | 78 | | | V15R05N12 |
Theodora H. Scheepers | 03-04-1914 | 01-07-1995 | 81 | Linden | | V15R05N13 |
Cato Adriana Maria Scheerder | 05-11-1862 | 08-11-1925 | 63 | | | V07R06N04 |
Wilhelmina Adriana Scheerder | 26-12-1876 | 29-08-1929 | 52 | | | V07R06N04 |
Gunter Scheers | 11-12-1939 | 19-02-1999 | 59 | | | V15R08N14 |
Clasina Maria Schelen | 06-11-1913 | 11-03-2008 | 94 | | | V02R02N28 |
Maria Regina Schelen | 02-04-1912 | 19-09-2010 | 98 | Wempe | | V13R18N15 |
Henricus J.M. Schellekens | 18-08-1916 | 15-05-1985 | 68 | Trimbos | | V17R04N01 |
Hendrik Schellingerhout | 01-05-1913 | 18-08-1981 | 68 | Berkhout | | V13R20N17 |
Johannes Frederik (Joop) Schellings | 22-03-1932 | 20-07-2002 | 70 | Muffels | | V08R05N43 |
Henk van Schendelen | ¹) | | | | | V02R07N27 |
Jacobus Schenk | 18-12-1866 | 20-04-1933 | 66 | Egeraat | | V04R06N06 |
Cornelia J. Schenkenberg | 26-05-1921 | 26-01-1987 | 65 | Wanrooy | | V13R09N08 |
Willemina Catharina Schenkenberg | ¹) | | | | | V09R03N16 |
Catharina Schepers | 15-07-1881 | 13-01-1968 | 86 | Krijnen | | V01R08N08 |
Cornelia Schepers | 05-08-1905 | 17-12-1951 | 46 | Linders | | V01R09N03 |
Johanna J. Schepers | 19-02-1932 | 14-11-1985 | 53 | Landa | | V17R08N02 |
Paulus Johannes Schepers | 20-11-1919 | 26-08-1954 | 34 | Weijgert | | V02R07N13 |
Catharina Schetters | 30-01-1926 | 07-12-2010 | 84 | Nuijten | | V16R03N01 |
Johannes Mattheus Schetters | 06-05-1889 | 11-03-1954 | 64 | Heijmans | | V04R02N28 |
Maria Schetters | 23-08-1912 | 18-07-1996 | 83 | Vonk | | V16R04N05 |
Piet J.A. Schetters | 17-08-1918 | 15-01-1996 | 77 | Dekkers | | V26R05N07 |
Ton Schetters | 18-02-1952 | 21-07-2015 | 63 | Berg | | V13R15N07 |
Elizabeth J. Schifferstein | 02-03-1889 | 02-02-1967 | 77 | Sterk | | V04R10N10 |
Hendrik J.F. Schijns | 23-12-1923 | 26-11-1985 | 61 | Dort | | V17R08N04 |
H. Schijven | 14-04-1897 | 22-09-1986 | 89 | | Zuster Assisia | V24R03N06 |
Wilhelmus Johannes (Wim) Schijven | ¹) | | | | | V30R02N10 |
Adriana M. Schillemans | 15-08-1903 | 24-05-1989 | 85 | Elzakkers | | V15R03N06 |
Anna Schillemans | 22-06-1920 | 17-03-2015 | 94 | Adriaansen | | V12R01N01 |
Josina Schillemans | 05-08-1913 | 18-08-2009 | 96 | Sprundel | | V23R07N04 |
Nicolaas Schillemans | 13-02-1907 | 19-09-1984 | 77 | Maas | | V20R03N01 |
Petronella Helena (Nelly) Schillemans | ¹) | | | | | V13R20N37 |
Adriana van Schilt | 09-06-1905 | 26-04-1984 | 78 | Clarijs | | V11R15N06 |
Catharina van Schilt | 08-10-1902 | 09-10-1981 | 79 | Vreeven | | V10R11N11 |
Frank van Schilt | 22-06-1967 | 29-09-1974 | 7 | | | V11R13N10 |
Jane van Schilt | 14-11-1924 | 23-04-2015 | 90 | Linders | | V13R18N29 |
Evert Schimmelpenninck | ¹) | | | | | V08R01N04 |
Chris Schipper | ¹) | | | | | Vut1R0rN64 |
Johanna C. Schipper | 26-10-1894 | 10-07-1988 | 93 | | | V15R03N11 |
Martina Cornelia Schipper | 31-05-1934 | 14-09-2008 | 74 | Schuurbiers | | V02R02N15 |
Adriana M. Schippers | 13-12-1904 | 14-02-1985 | 80 | Gillesen | | V23R04N07 |
Gaby Schippers | 18-12-2008 | 18-12-2008 | 0 | | | V08R05N59 |
Hubertus Johannes Schippers | 31-08-1907 | 31-08-1993 | 86 | Lint | | V29R08N06 |
Jan Schlee | 30-10-1908 | 07-08-1962 | 53 | | | V12R08N01 |
Alida Theodora Maria Schluter | 05-05-1928 | 02-12-2014 | 86 | | | V15R06N14 |
Cornelis Gerardus Schluter | 31-01-1924 | 03-05-2014 | 90 | | | V15R08N01 |
Hendrikus Th. Schluter | 06-02-1922 | 28-03-2008 | 86 | | | V02R01N20 |
Henri Marie Schlüter | 16-05-1906 | 30-05-1992 | 86 | Blieck | | V31R08N01 |
Helena M. Schmits | 03-10-1903 | 04-10-1983 | 80 | Joppe | | V19R01N02 |
Johanna C. Schmits | 28-06-1903 | 15-08-1986 | 83 | Deelen | | V13R10N07 |
Paul Joseph Marie Honoré Schnebbelie | 25-09-1922 | 29-12-2006 | 84 | Kalmthout | | V13R01N73 |
Petrus Josephus Marie Honoré Schnebbelie | 05-09-1885 | 30-01-1969 | 83 | Vrolijk | | V13R01N73 |
Joseph Schneider | 10-04-1915 | 06-02-1987 | 71 | Resmann | | V14R05N09 |
Joseph (Joop) Schneider | 06-11-1971 | 09-05-2008 | 36 | | | V02R01N17 |
Marie-Josée Schneider | 20-07-1949 | 26-11-1991 | 42 | Schneider | | V30R06N06 |
Walter Schneider | 22-10-1947 | 07-12-2018 | 71 | Schneider | | V30R06N06 |
Johannes Franciscus Cornelis Schoenmakers | 20-12-1879 | 19-01-1882 | 2 | | | V05R04N03 |
Johannes Franciscus Josephus Schoenmakers | 07-09-1882 | 09-07-1894 | 11 | | | V05R04N03 |
Maria C.G.F. Schoenmakers | 12-11-1908 | 01-06-1995 | 86 | Suijkerbuijk | | V28R06N13 |
J. Scholten | 1884 | 1931 | 47 | | Pater | V24R04N01 |
Rika Scholten | 06-04-1933 | 11-03-2016 | 82 | Havermans | | V09R03N11 |
Franciscus Schoonen | 26-01-1903 | 10-05-1981 | 78 | Stoffels | | V23R08N06 |
Helena Schoonen | 24-05-1921 | 22-07-2006 | 85 | Weijdt | | V02R05N34 |
Johannes Cornelis Schoonen | 04-11-1936 | 18-11-1994 | 58 | | | V29R02N04 |
Marinus C. Schoonen | 19-10-1927 | 16-03-1974 | 46 | | | V10R02N07 |
Toon van Schoor | 21-10-1941 | 16-07-2007 | 65 | | | V02R03N19 |
Cobi Schot | 14-11-1955 | 11-10-1956 | 0 | | | V21R03N08 |
Cornelis Johannes Schot | 31-03-1938 | 20-05-2005 | 67 | Otto | | V13R15N20 |
Dirkje Schot | | | | | | V06R08N02 |
Elisabeth Schot | 14-10-1907 | 05-04-1973 | 65 | Broekhoven | | V13R20N67 |
Engelbert Schot | ¹) | | | | | V25R09N03 |
George Schot | 10-07-1961 | 10-07-1961 | 0 | | | V21R02N02 |
Harry Schot | 05-06-1933 | 24-09-2000 | 67 | Stoffels | opa Schotje | V08R05N20 |
Jo Schot | 04-09-1934 | 31-12-1996 | 62 | | | V26R03N03 |
Johanna J. Schot | 04-09-1928 | 27-02-2004 | 75 | Janssens | | V21R19N08 |
Johannes L. Schot | 29-07-1928 | 28-05-1989 | 60 | Bakx | | V10R10N04 |
Latoya Schot | 24-06-2016 | 24-06-2016 | 0 | | | V21R03N16 |
Maria C. Schot | 14-01-1920 | 10-01-2009 | 88 | Govaarts | | V21R07N05 |
Martijn Schot | 21-12-1978 | 24-07-1998 | 19 | | | V25R09N03 |
Nicolaas Schot | 10-07-1961 | 10-07-1961 | 0 | | | V21R02N02 |
Pieter J. Schot | 31-08-1936 | 05-08-1989 | 52 | Eekelen | | V31R05N01 |
Rien Schot | 17-04-1944 | 26-05-2018 | 74 | Nefs | | Vut1R0rN46 |
Tonny Schot | 15-05-1935 | 23-07-2010 | 75 | Bogers | | V13R18N13 |
Willem A. Schot | 16-05-1879 | 22-04-1962 | 82 | Akkermans | | V06R08N02 |
Wim Schot | 13-06-1952 | 07-10-2004 | 52 | | | V02R06N34 |
Maria Schout | 01-08-1892 | 14-07-1971 | 78 | Raaymakers | | V07R03N02 |
Truus Schouten | 10-02-1923 | 12-03-2017 | 94 | Krijnen | | V07R01N05 |
A.A.M. Schoutens | 09-06-1894 | 13-07-1976 | 82 | Loenhout | | V07R08N18 |
Franciscus Martinus Schoutens | 19-02-1871 | 05-10-1948 | 77 | | | V12R10N02 |
Hendricus C.E. Schoutens | 29-06-1924 | 08-03-2010 | 85 | Coppens | | V02R03N28 |
Isabella L.W.H. Schoutens | ¹) | | | | | V11R12N03 |
Jacobus Franciscus Joseph Schoutens | 05-03-1913 | 29-05-1937 | 24 | | | V12R10N02 |
Maria Paulina Anna Schoutens | 19-07-1914 | 31-10-1972 | 58 | | | V12R10N02 |
Phillippus Schouw | 31-05-1887 | 26-11-1970 | 83 | | | V13R14N11 |
Maria Helena Angela Raymonda (Godelieve) Schram | 19-03-1925 | 05-12-2010 | 85 | Huizinga | | V07R02N03 |
Theodora G.M. Schrama | 24-08-1924 | 14-06-2017 | 92 | Tol | | V28R08N12 |
Johannes Franciscus Schrauwen | 23-11-1919 | 18-01-1995 | 75 | Hoof | | V28R05N18 |
Louis Schrauwen | 22-12-1923 | 16-07-1990 | 66 | Levolger | | V14R04N23 |
Catharina Schreinemakers | 07-07-1917 | 01-07-1990 | 72 | Remijn | | V16R01N13 |
Jacobus Henricus Schreinemakers | 06-02-1876 | 26-09-1947 | 71 | Stee | | V07R08N20 |
Annie Schreurs | 06-08-1933 | 11-07-2014 | 80 | Ineveld | | V13R15N10 |
Adriana Schroeijers | 12-11-1975 | 02-12-1975 | 0 | | | V11R13N08 |
Frans Schroeijers | 23-09-1948 | 28-04-2014 | 65 | | | V11R13N08 |
Ida E.B. Schroeijers | 31-12-1939 | 25-05-2009 | 69 | Huijps | | V16R06N06 |
Eugénie Birgitta Schunselaar | ¹) | | | | | V33R01N08 |
Adriana Schutteler | 23-08-1867 | 14-01-1949 | 81 | Mourer | | V04R10N04 |
Reinout Schutten | 04-07-1954 | 13-01-2000 | 45 | | | V15R08N13 |
Dijmphna Francisca de Schutter | 05-05-1918 | 28-11-1992 | 74 | Crom | | V30R03N15 |
Johannes Baptista Augustinus de Schutter | 26-05-1871 | 14-05-1942 | 70 | Learessen | | V04R09N08 |
Cor Schuurbiers | ¹) | | | | | V13R12N39 |
Elisabeth Schuurbiers | 19-03-1915 | 07-01-1992 | 76 | Huffel | | V20R06N16 |
Elisabeth Hendrica Schuurbiers | 02-03-1904 | 26-07-1990 | 86 | | | V14R01N14 |
Geertruida Schuurbiers | 12-02-1908 | 23-02-1991 | 83 | | | V15R05N01 |
Gerardus Johannes Schuurbiers | 12-03-1930 | 11-11-2015 | 85 | Schipper | | V02R02N15 |
Hermina Schuurbiers | 22-05-1921 | 11-05-1960 | 38 | Koopman | | V06R03N07 |
Jane Schuurbiers | 23-07-1925 | 21-12-2002 | 77 | Crom | | V08R04N13 |
Johanna Schuurbiers | 28-12-1881 | 23-05-1976 | 94 | Overveld | | V11R09N08 |
Johanna C. Schuurbiers | 06-10-1914 | 14-08-2004 | 89 | Weys | | V13R03N03 |
Johanna P. Schuurbiers | 16-10-1920 | 19-10-2001 | 81 | Maertelaere | | V16R02N01 |
Johannes F. Schuurbiers | 30-08-1886 | 30-08-1978 | 92 | Lambrechts | | V21R10N07 |
Leo Schuurbiers | 23-04-1951 | 08-04-2003 | 51 | | | V08R03N40 |
Louis Schuurbiers | ¹) | | | | | V13R17N10 |
Philippus Schuurbiers | 25-01-1918 | 14-10-1991 | 73 | Berg | | V30R06N15 |
Pieter Schuurbiers | 19-07-1892 | 02-09-1966 | 74 | Becht | | V06R03N07 |
Pieternella Johanna Schuurbiers | 04-01-1896 | 06-04-1987 | 91 | | | V14R01N14 |
Rietje Schuurbiers | 19-08-1933 | 16-07-2007 | 73 | Jacobs | | V02R03N22 |
Theodorus Cornelis Schuurbiers | 16-10-1914 | 21-09-1985 | 70 | Hagenaars | | V14R04N01 |
Wil Schuurbiers | 01-11-1947 | 27-07-1984 | 36 | Goossens | | V18R01N02 |
Wilhelmus Schuurbiers | 05-01-1840 | 04-11-1912 | 72 | Verbaest | | V04R02N25 |
Ben Schuurmans | 09-09-1947 | 02-06-2011 | 63 | | | V13R17N18 |
Korrie Sebel | 26-11-1942 | 24-01-2019 | 76 | Os | | V13R11N07 |
Adrianus Sebregts | 05-03-1906 | 02-01-1980 | 73 | Nijs | | V23R03N07 |
Anna C. Sebregts | 07-05-1926 | 31-07-2006 | 80 | Boden | | V11R08N06 |
Annie Sebregts | 18-02-1931 | 12-09-2009 | 78 | Bruyn | | V13R08N01 |
Arnoldus Sebregts | 30-04-1931 | 10-08-1972 | 41 | Hultermans | | V10R02N02 |
Cornelia Sebregts | 28-07-1907 | 27-06-2002 | 94 | Becht | | V15R06N04 |
Cornelis Sebregts | 22-09-1911 | 25-03-1974 | 62 | Karremans | | V10R11N09 |
Franciscus A. Sebregts | 02-08-1907 | 27-12-1969 | 62 | Kommers | | V11R08N01 |
Frans Sebregts | 18-09-1925 | 17-05-1990 | 64 | | | V14R04N20 |
G.W. Sebregts | 14-07-1930 | 29-08-2001 | 71 | | | V08R02N43 |
Ine Sebregts | 24-02-1941 | 28-12-1995 | 54 | | | V28R03N09 |
Jan Sebregts | 07-07-1914 | 07-10-1987 | 73 | Suijkerbuijk | | V14R03N15 |
Johanna M. Sebregts | 05-08-1927 | 11-07-2016 | 88 | Vriens | | V32R03N06 |
Leonardus Sebregts | 14-06-1932 | 24-02-1981 | 48 | Machielse | | V23R07N09 |
Maria Sebregts | 18-01-1903 | 13-11-1965 | 62 | Hoedelmans | | V13R18N11 |
Maria A. Sebregts | 16-11-1902 | 17-02-1994 | 91 | Gaans | | V14R06N03 |
Rosalia Sebregts | 20-04-1915 | 01-05-1994 | 79 | Voorhans | | V10R07N02 |
Sebastiaan P.C. Sebregts | 06-02-1933 | 13-04-2010 | 77 | Nijs | | V25R08N04 |
Alphonsus M.J. Segers | 19-02-1915 | 29-03-1967 | 52 | Baaijens | | V13R04N09 |
Mol Segers | 15-09-1919 | 19-04-2007 | 87 | Arbon | | V26R01N04 |
Anna M. van Seggelen | 08-12-1898 | 04-06-1987 | 88 | | | V15R02N09 |
Jeanne Rosalie Selhorst | 13-03-1933 | 24-10-1994 | 61 | | | V29R12N07 |
Gerard Selsig | 28-12-1911 | 11-11-1971 | 59 | Nijs | | V11R04N01 |
Maria E. Selsig | 30-03-1916 | 14-10-1992 | 76 | Hagens | | V18R05N04 |
Martinus A. Selsig | 10-12-1924 | 08-10-2003 | 78 | Steers | | V08R03N42 |
Adriaan E. Senff | 24-12-1914 | 09-11-1976 | 61 | Janssen | | V11R12N09 |
Frans Senff | ¹) | | | | | V02R04N16 |
Jos Senff | 08-04-1952 | 07-06-2005 | 53 | | | V02R04N16 |
M.Th. Senff | 29-05-1956 | 15-02-1998 | 41 | | | V27R06N06 |
Lodewijk H. Serre | 21-05-1905 | 12-03-1983 | 77 | Weerlink | | V13R01N13 |
Catharina Sibens | 07-11-1908 | 02-02-2001 | 92 | Maas | | V21R18N03 |
Johannes C.G. Sibens | 27-07-1911 | 14-06-1980 | 68 | Hoedelmans | | V23R01N09 |
Willy Sibens | 17-09-1930 | 18-09-2014 | 84 | Rijswijk | | V18R04N04 |
Thio Sie-Heng | 31-03-1929 | 09-12-1995 | 66 | Joosen | | V14R02N02 |
Emilia Siebelink | 09-06-1922 | 18-07-1967 | 45 | Beers | | V13R01N81 |
Frieda Siebelink | 20-03-1895 | 30-05-1987 | 92 | | | V14R04N15 |
Johanna Maria Siebelink | 15-05-1886 | 14-06-1962 | 76 | Andriessen | | V05R02N09 |
Johannes Gerardus Siebelt | 14-02-1920 | 27-03-2000 | 80 | Mil | | V09R01N04 |
Maria A. Siedlbauer | 15-10-1909 | 04-04-1968 | 58 | Kock | | V13R04N02 |
Adrianus Siemons | 29-11-1913 | 24-12-1976 | 63 | Hellemons | | V11R12N06 |
Annie Sijtsma | 03-08-1925 | 26-03-2016 | 90 | Hartman | | V25R05N03 |
Wilhelmus J.G.M. Sikkers | 01-01-1930 | 22-12-1969 | 39 | | | V13R13N10 |
Aleida Maria Bernardina Simon | 29-12-1901 | 23-12-1986 | 84 | Goossens | | V14R01N24 |
Alida A.W. Simonis | 10-12-1894 | 22-04-1977 | 82 | Pont | | V13R11N18 |
Gidi Simonis | 29-09-1930 | 25-06-2003 | 72 | Demmers | | V08R02N14 |
Godefridus Adrianus Simonis | 05-09-1903 | 25-09-1994 | 91 | Elst | | V29R12N02 |
Hendrikus J. Simonis | 18-10-1907 | 26-01-1987 | 79 | Loon | | V14R05N01 |
Nelleke Simonis | 17-11-1941 | 09-03-2000 | 58 | Staps | | V09R02N10 |
Rien Simonis | 08-09-1945 | 31-12-2007 | 62 | | | V14R05N01 |
Aegidius J. Simons | 24-04-1921 | 10-04-1983 | 61 | Gebraad | | V19R03N08 |
Alphonsus Simons | 25-01-1872 | 04-11-1966 | 94 | | | V04R01N28 |
Cor Simons | 10-09-1927 | 18-09-2011 | 84 | | | V02R01N07 |
Egidius J. Simons | 21-03-1899 | 17-09-1979 | 80 | Hendrickx | | V23R06N01 |
Hendrikus J. Simons | 01-08-1917 | 16-09-1986 | 69 | Rieter | | V23R02N06 |
Hennie Simons | 15-01-1942 | 17-01-2004 | 62 | | | V16R01N04 |
John Simons | 09-09-1908 | 06-01-1981 | 72 | Daverveldt | | V16R01N04 |
Maria C. Simons | 26-08-1906 | 17-01-1976 | 69 | Lacor | | V10R10N05 |
Maria J. Simons | 10-11-1901 | 01-03-1985 | 83 | | | V23R12N03 |
Marian Simons | 13-07-1955 | 09-02-2006 | 50 | | | V02R06N12 |
Siebina C. Simons | 22-11-1913 | 22-05-1999 | 85 | Zwagemakers | | V11R05N02 |
Sjaak Simons | 14-06-1931 | 27-05-1985 | 53 | | | V17R04N04 |
Jannetje Simonse | 18-01-1919 | 27-10-1994 | 75 | Verheesen | | V32R03N02 |
A. Sio | 1892 | 1965 | 73 | | | V24R04N01 |
Jo Sio | 14-08-1924 | 07-02-1995 | 70 | Bragt | | V28R05N10 |
Ellen Sips | 05-08-1969 | 23-05-2009 | 39 | | | V02R01N05 |
Cornelis J.L.M. Sitsen | 18-12-1879 | 22-02-1946 | 66 | Veraart | | V05R01N08 |
Melie Sittrop | ¹) | | | | | V13R06N01 |
Annie Slangen | 01-09-1928 | 30-05-2003 | 74 | | | V08R02N15 |
Nellie Slangen | ¹) | | | | | V08R02N15 |
Jozef A.F.G. Sleven | 20-10-1888 | 16-03-1963 | 74 | Winterhalter | | V04R01N19 |
Jo Slikboer | 17-07-1931 | 15-12-1982 | 51 | Minheere | | V08R03N33 |
Johan Slikboer | 18-07-1931 | 15-12-1982 | 51 | | | V23R13N01 |
Hans Slinkert | 08-02-1925 | 26-12-2006 | 81 | Heijnen | | V02R03N12 |
Margriet Slock | 08-07-1901 | 27-01-1988 | 86 | Colpaert | | V10R01N12 |
Antoinettta P. Slootmans | 08-01-1878 | 10-08-1947 | 69 | Bakker | | V04R10N14 |
Dymphna M. Slootmans | 10-10-1868 | 04-07-1943 | 74 | Hanssen | | V04R08N08 |
Korneel J.F. Slootmans | 16-07-1900 | 29-02-1992 | 91 | Roem | | V31R01N03 |
Petrus Cornelis Slootmans | 30-07-1861 | 11-02-1945 | 83 | Aarts | | V04R10N16 |
Maria Sloven | 28-01-1914 | 23-07-1978 | 64 | Broos | | V21R06N02 |
J.M. Smeets | | 07-09-1906 | | | | V04R05N22 |
J.W. Smeets | | 27-02-1904 | | Pillault | | V04R05N21 |
Catharina J.P.A. de Smid | 01-10-1908 | 21-04-2004 | 95 | Ooms | | V13R20N70 |
Johanna Catharina Smid | 19-10-1878 | 25-10-1945 | 67 | Broekhoven | | V04R11N05 |
Josephus Adr. de Smid | 14-08-1863 | 18-12-1939 | 76 | Jong | | V04R01N06 |
Annette Smit | ¹) | | | | | V13R14N15 |
Dirk Smit | 02-05-1931 | 17-11-2000 | 69 | | | V08R04N37 |
Rud Smit | ¹) | | | | | V24R05N01 |
Guus Smith | ¹) | | | | | V02R07N25 |
A.C.J. Smits | 17-09-1855 | 28-08-1919 | 63 | Bogaert | | V05R04N22 |
Bernarda J.M. (Berna) Smits | 30-01-1926 | 03-03-2016 | 90 | Becht | | V02R03N30 |
Catharina J.E. Smits | 25-07-1976 | 18-08-1977 | 1 | | | V11R14N01 |
Constantinus Bernardus Smits | 12-07-1938 | 02-04-2008 | 69 | | | V15R08N06 |
Jacoba Johanna Maria Smits | 23-02-1911 | 21-07-2000 | 89 | | | V27R01N01 |
Joanna Maria Hendrica Smits | 20-12-1856 | 18-03-1891 | 34 | Meulmeester | | V07R05N12 |
Johanna Adriana Smits | 17-07-1905 | 02-11-2010 | 105 | Egeraat | | V13R03N08 |
Johanna Maria Smits | 08-06-1912 | 16-11-1998 | 86 | | | V27R01N01 |
Johannes Regnerus Leonardus Smits | 11-01-1896 | 10-05-1960 | 64 | Poelma | Rector Moller-Lyceum | V07R03N14 |
Lucia Maria Smits | 11-07-1923 | 29-02-2016 | 92 | | | V27R01N01 |
Ludovica P.M. Smits | 1895 | 1956 | 61 | Hasselt | | V07R04N19 |
Margaretha Smits | 25-11-1923 | 29-03-2015 | 91 | Huijsmans | | V06R01N05 |
Simon Smits | 30-08-1885 | 19-02-1966 | 80 | Dries | | V07R05N08 |
Theresia Adriana Jacoba Smits | ¹) | | | | | VsvR01N01 |
Alphonsius J. Smout | 17-11-1902 | 02-06-1952 | 49 | Somers | | V20R06N20 |
Jac. D. Smout | 24-03-1878 | 04-10-1959 | 81 | Trijen | | V04R01N25 |
Johannes A. Smout | 1897 | 1960 | 63 | Bakx | | V07R03N13 |
To Smout | 18-10-1899 | 08-02-1983 | 83 | Molendijk | | V04R02N09 |
To Smout | 18-10-1899 | 08-02-1983 | 83 | Molendijk | | V14R04N04 |
An M. Smulders | 17-04-1908 | 24-02-1945 | 36 | Rikken | | V14R01N17 |
Gerardus Antonius Smulders | 10-05-1853 | 19-03-1915 | 61 | Bakx | | V05R03N11 |
Elisabeth P.C. Snellens | 02-09-1886 | 11-04-1970 | 83 | Bernaards | | V04R01N03 |
Albertus Sneller | 05-11-1920 | 15-02-1985 | 64 | Bruijnseels | | V17R02N02 |
Petronella Sneller | 26-09-1926 | 05-06-1994 | 67 | Pas | | V20R06N08 |
Adianus H. Snepvangers | 16-12-1937 | 13-05-1969 | 31 | | | V13R15N18 |
Adrianus Snepvangers | 03-03-1908 | 23-02-1990 | 81 | Abrams | | V14R03N05 |
Adrianus H. Snepvangers | 16-12-1937 | 13-05-1969 | 31 | | | V13R15N18 |
Coby Snepvangers | 23-10-1950 | 21-02-2015 | 64 | | | Vut1R0rN33 |
Dianca Snepvangers | 02-03-1985 | 02-03-1985 | 0 | | | V21R04N16 |
Dorothea Snepvangers | 17-10-1906 | 18-10-1992 | 86 | Maas | | V13R01N39 |
Femke Snepvangers | 27-12-1977 | 29-03-1986 | 8 | | | V21R03N04 |
Henk Snepvangers | 12-06-1929 | 12-07-1998 | 69 | | | V25R09N06 |
Maria P. Snepvangers | 28-10-1900 | 13-09-1977 | 76 | Jacobs | | V21R14N03 |
Pierre Snepvangers | 03-10-1944 | 08-03-2006 | 61 | | | V02R07N15 |
Sjaak Snepvangers | 15-01-1940 | 23-05-2005 | 65 | | | V02R06N25 |
Marius Snijdelaar | 17-11-1927 | 17-12-2010 | 83 | | | V13R18N19 |
Joke Snijders | 03-01-1944 | 01-07-1998 | 54 | Loenhout | | V25R03N04 |
Christianus Snoeijers | 10-10-1909 | 14-07-1998 | 88 | Heskens | | V20R04N10 |
Hendricus Snoeijs | 19-04-1830 | 03-11-1890 | 60 | | | V04R05N19 |
Annie Snoek | 07-03-1919 | 23-01-2008 | 88 | Heijnen | | V13R01N36 |
Joannes Petrus Antonius Bernardus Snoeks | | | | | | V05R04N06 |
Joanna van Soelen | 19-09-1911 | 16-11-1982 | 71 | Du Toy van Hees | | V10R01N04 |
Richard van Soest | 13-10-1936 | 07-03-2013 | 76 | | | V13R15N25 |
Bart Soeters | 31-07-1989 | 19-12-1989 | 0 | | | V21R03N17 |
Catharina Soeters | 15-06-1884 | 10-10-1947 | 63 | | | V07R08N19 |
Christiaan M. Soeters | 12-11-1948 | 20-09-2002 | 53 | | | V08R05N49 |
Cornelia Soeters | 02-10-1885 | 03-03-1972 | 86 | Lafaille | | V07R08N19 |
Cornelis W. Soeters | 07-03-1887 | 02-12-1946 | 59 | Bergmans | | V07R07N14 |
Herman Soeters | ¹) | | | | | V28R09N07 |
Hermanus A. Soeters | 15-01-1856 | 22-11-1943 | 87 | Hoogemoet | | V04R10N07 |
Koos Soeters | 05-07-1942 | 19-05-2011 | 68 | | | V13R17N22 |
Bep Soffers | ¹) | | | | | V28R08N04 |
Maria Elisabeth Soffers | 26-08-1820 | 24-03-1898 | 77 | Asselbergs | | V07R05N09 |
Petronella Soffers | 02-08-1861 | 17-04-1939 | 77 | Bruijs | | V01R08N01 |
Johanna Somer | 1857 | 1928 | 71 | Klerk | | V04R08N13 |
Adriana C.P. Somers | 22-02-1895 | 12-10-1981 | 86 | Raaij | | V16R01N11 |
Adrianus Somers | 11-05-1835 | 09-04-1906 | 70 | Withagen | | V05R04N13 |
Adrianus A. Somers | 08-12-1890 | 19-03-1976 | 85 | Raats | | V13R20N31 |
Antonetta M. Somers | 07-01-1900 | 02-06-1984 | 84 | | | V20R01N01 |
Cornelia Somers | 15-09-1928 | 13-08-1988 | 59 | Tempelaars | | V32R03N01 |
Cornelia M. Somers | 23-03-1891 | 09-11-1985 | 94 | | | V20R01N01 |
Florentinus A.M. Somers | 29-01-1912 | 26-10-1977 | 65 | Hooijdonk | | V21R13N02 |
Hendrika W. Somers | 16-04-1903 | 05-08-1985 | 82 | Smout | | V20R06N20 |
J.G. Somers | 19-12-1848 | 01-02-1924 | 75 | Verhaart | | V07R10N01 |
Johannes Somers | 12-08-1911 | 14-03-1982 | 70 | | | V23R14N02 |
Johannes Antonius Somers | 08-04-1920 | 20-10-1991 | 71 | Loon | | V31R01N01 |
M. Somers | 1894 | 1918 | 24 | | | V24R04N01 |
Maria Somers | 04-10-1909 | 25-12-2002 | 93 | Augustijn | | V21R13N06 |
Maria C.Ph. Somers | 30-05-1887 | 10-08-1958 | 71 | | | V04R10N15 |
Peterus J.M. Somers | 12-10-1880 | 20-12-1944 | 64 | | | V04R10N15 |
Riet Somers | 04-06-1919 | 10-01-2008 | 88 | Kemperman | | V08R05N33 |
Cornelia van Son | | 01-03-1945 | | | Oorlogsmonument | V01R07N04 |
Jacoba A. van Son | 11-10-1932 | 01-06-1984 | 51 | Berg | | V18R03N08 |
Job van Sonsbeek | 08-10-1924 | 10-07-1999 | 74 | | | V09R04N09 |
Johanna Helena Cornelia Maria Spaan | 01-04-1883 | 09-06-1938 | 55 | Goossens | | V05R03N01 |
Hendrika Spaans | 17-08-1957 | 28-05-2018 | 60 | | | V15R06N13 |
Petrus Johannes Spaapen | 23-05-1909 | 01-08-1963 | 54 | Eekelen | | V12R03N02 |
Marinus Antonius Spaay | 01-06-1896 | 07-10-1970 | 74 | Kemper | | V13R20N50 |
Kindje Speek | 18-02-1980 | 18-02-1980 | 0 | | | V21R05N08 |
A.J. Speekenbrink | 02-08-1874 | 24-12-1961 | 87 | Asselbergs | | V04R09N01 |
Arn. Speekenbrink | 04-01-1905 | 24-04-1915 | 10 | | | V04R05N14 |
Elize Speekenbrink | 14-05-1906 | 05-08-1946 | 40 | | | V07R07N05 |
Jac. L.A. Speekenbrink | 14-06-1877 | 11-12-1952 | 75 | Asselbergs | | V07R07N05 |
Jan Spek | 14-02-1917 | 08-01-2008 | 90 | Geerden | | V02R02N37 |
Hubertus A.G. Spieringhs | 28-09-1913 | 11-11-1985 | 72 | Verdult | | V17R07N07 |
Br. Augustinus Spijkers | 1893 | 1975 | 82 | | Broeder | V24R04N01 |
Albert Spit | 24-08-1940 | 18-05-2004 | 63 | Kroonstuiver | | V02R05N03 |
Laurens A. Spitter | 30-11-1948 | 27-02-1995 | 46 | | | V15R05N12 |
Shirley Sprangers | 11-12-1981 | 11-12-1981 | 0 | | | V21R04N03 |
Wilhelmus Sprengers | 24-07-1915 | 12-12-1994 | 79 | Reijen | | V28R05N27 |
Wilhelmine M. Spriewald | 19-10-1911 | 21-08-1977 | 65 | Verschuuren | | V13R01N14 |
Adrianus Spruit | 08-01-1899 | 20-01-1978 | 79 | Borghstijn | | V21R10N06 |
Ferdi G.L. Spruit | 02-01-1930 | 26-09-1998 | 68 | | | V27R04N01 |
Cornelis van Sprundel | 21-10-1906 | 19-07-1979 | 72 | Schillemans | | V23R07N04 |
Annelies Stakenburg | 21-02-1952 | 09-09-2012 | 60 | | | V13R16N14 |
Saskia Stalpers | 03-08-1955 | 09-03-1979 | 23 | Bruijs | | V21R14N01 |
Johanna A. Stander | 25-11-1913 | 29-11-1989 | 76 | | | V15R03N04 |
Serverinus (Pol) Stander | 29-07-1909 | 14-06-1997 | 87 | Verhees | | V10R07N07 |
Theodorus van der Stap | 31-07-1913 | 18-12-1967 | 54 | Haselaar | | V13R02N01 |
A.M.T. Stapels | 23-10-1827 | 29-07-1891 | 63 | | | V05R04N28 |
Jacobus Stapels | 30-07-1797 | 13-01-1885 | 87 | Berkel | | V05R04N28 |
Maria Antonia Stapels | 06-03-1832 | 02-02-1893 | 60 | | | V05R04N28 |
E.A.M. van der Stappen | ¹) | | | | | V02R03N11 |
Jimmy Stavers | 26-07-1936 | 10-03-2012 | 75 | Brink | | V02R04N35 |
M.J.M.B. van der Stee | 05-06-1903 | 08-12-1997 | 94 | Plasmans | | V04R08N02 |
Petronella Paulina van Stee | 16-07-1881 | 22-11-1962 | 81 | Schreinemakers | | V07R08N20 |
A.C.W. van Steen | 22-11-1932 | 28-06-2015 | 82 | Maas | | V21R17N01 |
Annie van der Steen | ¹) | | | | | V10R10N07 |
Annie van Steen | 22-07-1934 | 17-09-1969 | 35 | | | V09R04N14 |
Godefdridus J.A. van Steen | 18-03-1886 | 22-06-1964 | 78 | Verwilt | | V13R01N12 |
Joanna H.M. van Steen | 15-12-1900 | 03-01-1979 | 78 | | | V11R15N09 |
Josephus C. van Steen | 23-01-1866 | 09-07-1952 | 86 | Kreuz | | V04R03N07 |
Theresia M.W. van Steen | 02-04-1908 | 05-03-2000 | 91 | | | V11R15N09 |
Wilhelmina Th.J. van Steen | 10-03-1896 | 25-06-1976 | 80 | | | V11R15N09 |
Mien Steenbak | 21-08-1930 | 28-03-1985 | 54 | Musters | | V17R03N03 |
Cornelia van Steenpaal | 15-10-1917 | 23-10-1995 | 78 | Hooydonk | | V15R05N13 |
Johannes van Steenpaal | 19-06-1907 | 16-05-1978 | 70 | Vriens | | V11R09N04 |
Antonetta Steers | 16-10-1922 | 24-04-1999 | 76 | | | V09R05N05 |
Antonius Joh. Steers | 25-12-1857 | 19-02-1949 | 91 | | | V01R10N01 |
Cornelia P. Steers | 26-05-1895 | 15-10-1975 | 80 | Dagelinckx | | V10R08N05 |
Johanna A. Steers | 12-08-1913 | 12-08-1999 | 86 | Videler | | V10R03N19 |
Ludovicus J. Steers | 02-04-1889 | 05-10-1971 | 82 | Henning | | V11R04N03 |
Theodora L. Steers | 07-12-1926 | 18-08-2009 | 82 | Selsig | | V08R03N42 |
Jopie Steevens | 10-12-1933 | 07-10-2012 | 78 | Vrijaldenhoven | | Vut1R0rN14 |
Frank Steffek | 26-01-1920 | 16-10-2012 | 92 | Dongen | | V13R16N15 |
Jeanette Steijns | 18-03-1927 | 08-03-2014 | 86 | Bastmeijer | | V29R03N03 |
Josephus Wilhelmus Steketee | 29-09-1887 | 16-02-1960 | 72 | Koolen | | V04R02N30 |
Gerritje van der Stel | 02-02-1908 | 19-07-1991 | 83 | Bokstel | | V17R04N02 |
Johanna C. Stelwage | 17-04-1920 | 10-04-2009 | 88 | Kerbusch | | V06R02N05 |
Elisabeth Stelwagen | 05-09-1921 | 19-09-1986 | 65 | | | V15R02N05 |
Johanna Catharina Stelwagen | 07-05-1927 | 25-02-2006 | 78 | | | V15R08N07 |
Adrianus Johannes Josephus Sterk | 24-11-1892 | 12-07-1944 | 51 | Schifferstein | | V04R10N10 |
Joh. Sterk | 19-12-1909 | 12-08-1990 | 80 | Ruijters | | V30R11N11 |
Amelia Maatje Steur | 22-11-1902 | 21-12-1971 | 69 | Laro | | V13R20N57 |
M.B.J. Steur | 06-10-1925 | 19-11-2013 | 88 | Hoogsteden | | V28R03N07 |
Ali van Steveninck | 13-06-1921 | 07-11-2004 | 83 | Juten | | V13R20N39 |
Persoon Onbekend Stevens | | | | Gogh | | V07R04N08 |
Elisabeth M. Stieger | 29-11-1904 | 28-11-1974 | 69 | Kroon | | V13R20N42 |
Ad van Stiphout | 04-02-1951 | 08-10-1998 | 47 | | | V25R02N03 |
Carolus Johannes Petrus Stoetzer | 09-09-1905 | 22-06-1992 | 86 | Suijkerbuijk | | V31R01N06 |
Adrianus Stoffels | 25-10-1916 | 23-08-1991 | 74 | Broek | | V30R07N07 |
Bernardus Stoffels | 14-09-1919 | 16-02-2011 | 91 | Geers | | V08R03N24 |
Gijs Petrus (Bertus) Stoffels | 01-02-1931 | 14-12-2007 | 76 | | | Vut1R0rN03 |
Hermanus H. Stoffels | 03-06-1892 | 21-05-1958 | 65 | Muilenburg | | V06R06N05 |
Johanna C. Stoffels | 28-04-1921 | 03-08-1994 | 73 | Bakx | | V30R04N09 |
Leo Stoffels | 21-10-1921 | 11-04-1964 | 42 | Hazen | | V13R08N08 |
Maria Christina Stoffels | 25-04-1941 | 27-01-2002 | 60 | | | V08R02N26 |
Otto Stoffels | 09-05-1916 | 24-05-2002 | 86 | Baat | | V08R02N33 |
Philomena Stoffels | 03-04-1903 | 03-01-1995 | 91 | Schoonen | | V23R08N06 |
Truus Stoffels | 31-03-1936 | 20-12-2004 | 68 | Schot | oma Truus | V08R05N20 |
Johannes B. Stok | 13-12-1888 | 26-11-1978 | 89 | | | V21R17N06 |
Maria (Riet) Stok | 12-05-1927 | 01-09-2008 | 81 | Kasteele | | V02R02N19 |
Philomena Stok | 02-06-1880 | 15-09-1964 | 84 | Weijts | | V12R01N02 |
Adriana J. Stolwerk | 09-04-1932 | 24-10-1985 | 53 | Pul | | V17R07N05 |
Corrie Stolwerk | 26-06-1942 | 21-05-2019 | 76 | Boom | | Vuv1R04N05 |
Elisabeth M. Stolwerk | 20-12-1900 | 10-03-1976 | 75 | Matthijs | | V13R20N19 |
Jo Stolwerk | 19-12-1920 | 27-02-2013 | 92 | Meesters | | V08R03N11 |
Adriana Johanna Maria (Rianna) Stoop | 21-03-1960 | 15-09-2019 | 59 | | | V28R10N08 |
Cornelia A. Stoop | 06-06-1900 | 10-07-1981 | 81 | Kuipers | | V23R09N05 |
Cornelis J. Stoop | 02-06-1923 | 26-10-1995 | 72 | Kaam | | V28R07N02 |
Johanna Stoop | 15-06-1929 | 20-11-1974 | 45 | Nagelkerke | | V10R03N11 |
Johannes J. Stoop | 27-02-1896 | 12-04-1977 | 81 | Lambrechts | | V21R18N02 |
Kees Stoop | 19-09-1931 | 25-10-2002 | 71 | | | V08R04N18 |
Maria Th. Stoop | 04-06-1920 | 29-09-2001 | 81 | | | V08R02N40 |
Wilhelmijna Stoop | 27-09-1858 | 15-11-1946 | 88 | Giels | | V04R11N10 |
Paula Anna Maria Stoot | 04-06-1936 | 06-11-1997 | 61 | Meijvis | | V14R02N08 |
Antonius K. Stouthard | 09-12-1894 | 22-07-1977 | 82 | Watering | | V21R15N03 |
Elisabeth J. Stouthard | 15-05-1891 | 15-02-1968 | 76 | Maas | | V13R03N06 |
Cornelis P. Stouthart | 17-09-1929 | 02-11-2016 | 87 | Musters | | V28R05N21 |
Joke Stouthart | 13-03-1933 | 21-05-2011 | 78 | Evers | | Vut1R0lN02 |
Maria Stouthart | 14-09-1966 | 14-09-1966 | 0 | | | V28R05N21 |
Petrus M. Stouthart | 10-10-1903 | 11-12-1971 | 68 | Hermes | | V12R03N01 |
Riek van Straaten | 04-04-1914 | 31-01-2009 | 94 | Nijpels | | V25R01N03 |
Herman J. Strooij | 09-08-1879 | 12-05-1952 | 72 | Tuijtjens | | V04R03N10 |
Izak M. Struijk | 10-02-1967 | 03-06-1988 | 21 | | | V32R04N06 |
Jo Struijs | 25-10-1913 | 24-01-2010 | 96 | Watering | | V08R04N04 |
Dienie Struikenkamp | 21-01-1921 | 18-03-2002 | 81 | Wiegeraad | | V09R03N20 |
Cornelia Jacoba Maria Stuart | 27-08-1920 | 16-01-2011 | 90 | Bruijn | | V04R02N11 |
Inez Stuart | 15-04-1937 | 18-07-1992 | 55 | Videler | | V31R08N03 |
Marinus Stuart | 20-04-1893 | 12-05-1989 | 96 | Paanen | | V20R01N02 |
Petrus Wilhelmus Stuart | 12-10-1898 | 26-06-1993 | 94 | Egeraat | | V14R06N06 |
Lenny Stubbs | 05-01-1950 | 30-04-1995 | 45 | Kanters | | V28R06N06 |
Frans Stuij | 19-11-1941 | 05-09-2002 | 60 | Vermolen | | V08R05N47 |
Hélène Stuij | 20-01-1966 | 02-10-2016 | 50 | | | Vut1R0rN37 |
Franciscus Gerardus Johannes Stuijts | 30-10-1951 | 25-03-2015 | 63 | | | V15R06N12 |
Johannes M.H. Stumpel | 30-07-1915 | 24-04-1994 | 78 | Looij | | V29R11N07 |
Wilhelmina D.M. Stumpel | 31-08-1918 | 18-01-2015 | 96 | Janssen | | V32R05N10 |
Constant C.A.M. Sturm | 12-03-1915 | 20-01-1989 | 73 | Ven | | V14R02N13 |
Cornelia Elisabeth Stuy | 26-06-1881 | 04-09-1962 | 81 | Schoutens | | V12R10N02 |
A3 Suijkerbuijk | 1956 | 2005 | 49 | | | V02R05N26 |
Ad Suijkerbuijk | 20-08-1952 | 01-03-2007 | 54 | | | V11R13N06 |
Adri Suijkerbuijk | 17-11-1939 | 03-08-2012 | 72 | Bladel | | V08R05N31 |
Adriana M. Suijkerbuijk | 1891 | 1965 | 74 | Wesenbeeck | | V01R03N02 |
Anthoinetta P. Suijkerbuijk | 11-01-1911 | 25-11-1958 | 47 | Loon | | V30R01N02 |
Carolus A.A. Suijkerbuijk | 29-09-1908 | 28-08-1969 | 60 | Bedaf | | V13R12N16 |
Catharina M. Suijkerbuijk | 05-03-1915 | 18-09-2006 | 91 | Govaarts | | V09R03N07 |
Cor Suijkerbuijk | 04-10-1916 | 20-02-1999 | 82 | Sebregts | | V14R03N15 |
Cornelia Anna Suijkerbuijk | 18-11-1907 | 02-08-1998 | 90 | Verbiest | | V13R15N01 |
Cornelis Suijkerbuijk | 07-08-1911 | 08-11-1985 | 74 | Tiggelen | | V17R07N06 |
Cornelis J.W. Suijkerbuijk | 03-09-1909 | 28-12-1998 | 89 | Schoenmakers | | V28R06N13 |
Corry Suijkerbuijk | 10-12-1932 | 01-12-2005 | 72 | Bennaars | | V02R05N36 |
Dimphna C. Suijkerbuijk | 05-09-1912 | 14-11-1987 | 75 | Lijten | | V32R07N14 |
Dingena J. Suijkerbuijk | 01-07-1897 | 06-12-1978 | 81 | Loos | | V13R01N18 |
Dymphene Anna Suijkerbuijk | 19-05-1904 | 03-09-1947 | 43 | Verdult | | V07R12N02 |
Elisabeth Suijkerbuijk | 10-08-1919 | 17-04-1984 | 64 | Vos | | V18R04N02 |
Elly Suijkerbuijk | 03-10-1948 | 06-12-2016 | 68 | Kruf | | V10R07N11 |
Engelbertus Suijkerbuijk | 02-01-1929 | 29-06-1980 | 51 | Markx | | V23R01N06 |
Gerardus Cornelis Suijkerbuijk | 08-06-1914 | 18-08-1988 | 74 | Kil | | V08R01N13 |
Helena Suijkerbuijk | 06-04-1890 | 28-08-1982 | 92 | Watering | | V13R01N34 |
Helena Suijkerbuijk | 06-10-1900 | 03-05-1986 | 85 | Timmermans | | V14R04N02 |
Hubertus Suijkerbuijk | 26-03-1913 | 22-04-1985 | 72 | | | V23R12N04 |
Jack Suijkerbuijk | 05-04-1958 | 12-11-2008 | 50 | | | V02R02N12 |
Jacobus Petrus Suijkerbuijk | 08-09-1919 | 11-12-1999 | 80 | Timmermans | | V08R04N23 |
Johanna Suijkerbuijk | 28-04-1930 | 30-01-1997 | 66 | Langenberg | | V26R02N07 |
Johanna C Suijkerbuijk | 1877 | 1945 | 68 | Zomers | | V07R04N16 |
Johannes C. Suijkerbuijk | 05-07-1923 | 15-12-1970 | 47 | | | V13R14N11 |
Kees Suijkerbuijk | 21-08-1918 | 22-05-1983 | 64 | | | V14R06N10 |
Kees Suijkerbuijk | 10-02-1922 | 19-05-2003 | 81 | Klaassen | | V13R09N01 |
Lenie Suijkerbuijk | 06-10-1950 | 12-04-2011 | 60 | Musters | | Vut1R0lN12 |
Louis Suijkerbuijk | 23-11-1945 | 10-10-2004 | 58 | Vierbergen | | V02R05N08 |
Louisa Maria Suijkerbuijk | 07-04-1905 | 17-03-1992 | 86 | Stoetzer | | V31R01N06 |
Ludovicus W. Suijkerbuijk | 22-08-1906 | 11-12-1988 | 82 | Cockx | | V14R06N17 |
Margaretha H. Suijkerbuijk | 01-10-1940 | 03-02-1990 | 49 | | | V15R03N03 |
Maria D. Suijkerbuijk | 08-06-1913 | 14-08-2009 | 96 | Vos | | V30R09N09 |
Martinus M. Suijkerbuijk | 25-01-1920 | 13-03-1987 | 67 | Landa | | V11R13N06 |
P.C.E. Suijkerbuijk | 08-08-1942 | 25-01-2002 | 59 | Uijl | | V08R01N11 |
Peter Suijkerbuijk | 28-09-1957 | 04-07-1968 | 10 | | | V11R13N06 |
Petrus J. Suijkerbuijk | 30-12-1898 | 07-09-1987 | 88 | Bierbooms | | V14R01N07 |
Pietje Suijkerbuijk | 26-02-1915 | 04-03-2005 | 90 | Franken | | V25R09N04 |
Rinus Suijkerbuijk | 14-11-1916 | 27-10-2018 | 101 | Leijs | | V30R05N13 |
Ruud Suijkerbuijk | ¹) | | | | | Vut1R0rN01 |
Henricus J.H. Suilen | 08-03-1928 | 24-11-1999 | 71 | | | V27R02N09 |
Br. Suitbertus | 1883 | 1954 | 71 | | Broeder | V24R04N01 |
Basje Suurland | 01-09-1976 | 27-11-1976 | 0 | | | V21R05N10 |
Helena Cornelia Suurland | 11-05-1919 | 23-12-1999 | 80 | Bakker | | V25R03N02 |
Wilhelmina H. Suurland | 14-11-1924 | 27-11-2001 | 77 | Tiggelen | | V15R08N11 |
B.A. Suurmeijer | 13-07-1881 | 13-08-1948 | 67 | Coppens | | V07R08N13 |
Henk Suurmeijer | 17-07-1920 | 31-10-1969 | 49 | Oerlemans | | V13R01N60 |
Gerard Suykerbuyk | 25-10-1939 | 08-02-2007 | 67 | Kruf | | V02R03N08 |
Johanna M Suykerbuyk | 03-08-1922 | 26-10-1983 | 61 | | | V19R01N01 |
Anieta Swaanen | 11-12-1956 | 30-09-2013 | 56 | | | V13R15N16 |
Johannes L. Swaanen | 01-03-1927 | 12-02-1990 | 62 | Lint | | V31R02N16 |
Louisa J.E. Swagemakers | 11-06-1894 | 01-01-1956 | 61 | | | V28R06N09 |
Piet Swagemakers | 06-11-1920 | 04-05-1995 | 74 | Klaassen | | V28R06N09 |
Piet Swagemakers | 10-03-1921 | 23-05-2007 | 86 | Oudheusden | | V13R07N04 |
Adriana Maria Sweep | | 1903 | | Werd | | V05R04N14 |
Ineke van Swol | 29-05-1944 | 22-07-2004 | 60 | Palmers | | V02R05N07 |